I guess I could have thought of a better title, but this one seems to work...
The reunion, as usual went very well... We certainly miss Uncle Clell and Uncle Bill, but we know they were with God and watching over us. Aunt Corsie was in our prayers as she wasn't able to make it this year due to her health (Bill Martin stayed close to her in Whitesburg)
It was awsome to see everyone else... The kids continue to grow up, the "Cousins" are still a team, and cotinue to "grow Up" as well. Congrats to Lisa & Richard on their engagement and to Sheila on the new addition to her family...
My cousins, aunts and uncles have ALWAYS been an important part of my life, and I certainly miss seeing them, and wish we had the opportunity to see each other more often...
The one thing that I do miss is Uncle Carroll's family. While he left us many years ago at the hands of a murderer with a grudge, he and his family are still in our prayers. Mostly, I miss Larry and Susan not being part of "The Cousins". They are still part of all of our lives, even if we don't see them anymore. God commands us to Forgive... There is nothing that should hold family apart, and its a shame that we have been "separated".
The other half of Uncle Carroll's family (his & his 2nd wife's children) are strangers to alot of us. But they are still family and are in our thoughts and prayers, even though we may never have even met!
Someday I hope we can all "Forgive" and reunite...
Well, Jennifer, Shelby and I along with Jake (and with Savana - Scott & Mindy's daughter) are planning a trip to Florida to meet up with Nick (and his fiance Rose) who is coming back to the United States on leave from the US Marines, where he is stationed in Iraq.
The cost of such a trip is OUTRAGIOUS! Disney want $350 - $1500 per NIGHT for on property hotel rooms...
We had no idea how we were going to afford this... Looks like God has helped AGAIN....
Will let you know how that turns out in Summer Part 3 (haha)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Well...(Deep sigh)
Alot is going on...Health, Heat, Fun, Friends & Family, Finances, Missions, Learning, God...
This is June 27th and we have only been in "Summer" for 6 days now...
Wow, what a start...
Shelby's Insurance cancels on July1st, so we are scrambling to get her new insurance... Kentucky has been paying for all her insurance up to now, but has decided we do not qualify anymore, so we now have to pay for her insurance which makes an 80/20 policy for the 3 of us nearly $900 a month... WOW!
Our parents are all struggling... Jenn's dad has knee and heart problems, he mom has several problems we don't want to discuss including diverticulitis.
Ron's mom is having dental problems and is loosing her sight (in at least one eye). Ron's dad has spinal problems, heart, blood pressure and diabetes problems. (Surgery is on the near horizon)
We are very concerned about all of them and don't want anything to happen, but they all know the Lord and we know where we will meet again should anything happen.
We broke down and put a couple of window AC units in... It has been getting in the 90's with high humidity. Ron's work only has one room with AC, so it is starting out to be quite a hot summer... (Standing in the freezer department at Krogers is a huge treat)
Along with the heat, a small portable pool was a necessity... Shelby and Savanna (Our friend's daughter who is spending the summer with us) are LOVING it! Even when we first filled it with COLD water, they couldn't wait to get in - over & over again... (Jenn & I are still waiting for the water to warm a little)
Mindy & Scott brought Savanna for her yearly visit and she will spend a month or 2 with us... We wish Mindy & Scott could have stayed for a while, but Scott's work and Mindy's school required them to be back in Akron quickly.
Mike, Jean, Brian & Devon are still holding out in Panama... We pray for them all the time as they are going through "humbling" times. We all seem to be being "tested" lately and are definitely aware of Satan's presence in our everyday world. Hopefully we will soon be able to go forward with God's plan and work (see Missions)
Brad & Pat are going through quite a bit with personal issues and threats. We pray for their safety and for calmness in their lives - for God's grace to cover them and help them through their trials and tribulations.
Al Savage, our friend and landlord, continues to teach us humility, gardening, about life and about God. We pray for his continued teaching to everyone he touches and for his friendship.
Ernie Perry is teaching me how to pray... One of my deficits in my Spiritual Gifts... He can pray anytime, anywhere - even on the phone - for someone...
Many other friends and family have important things going on in their lives- we are concerned with each and every one and pray for them. We even pray for those who hurt us - we are ALL God's children.
Nick is a United States of America Marine and stationed in Iraq. We have been asked not to say anything further for security reasons. We do pray CONSTANTLY for his safety and the safety of all of our armed forces protecting us daily. It is a double edged sword....we are so proud, but we fear for his safety! Like the war or not... they are still our secular protectors. PLEASE pray for Nick and all of our soldiers!
Jake graduated High School and is preparing for college. He is working 3 jobs to try and pay for his education as we cannot help much with his schooling (see finances). He will go the Michigan State and gear towards Sports Medicine (at least for now) and prepare for work for God! Pray for Jake's finances and goals, and his walk with God. He is an awesome man of God, a growing Christian and a proud son...
Shelby is 6 going on 16 and has "graduated" Kindergarten. She can read , write and even multiply... WOW! She is having a blast going to YMCA camp with Jennifer and having Savanna with us for the summer.
Jennifer is working hard for the YMCA as as "Off_Site" Director for the Y-Care program. Trying hard to keep up with us is a full time job all in itself, and now she is working almost 2 full time jobs.
Jenn, Shelby, Savanna & I are headed to a family reunion this weekend and will see family who we mostly see only once a year. This is not right, but it is a fact in the secular world we live in. None of us make enough time for our families. I particularly pray for my Aunt Jean and Aunt Corsey - both who have lost their husbands (my uncles) in the last year or so. Both are not in the best of health and struggle with the challenges of age daily.
My dad's side of the family have become strangers to Jenn & Shelby as we have not taken the time to visit West Virginia... Again, we need to ALL work on staying closer to our families.
My sister Laura is wonderful - a good friend to Jennifer and a wonderful Aunt to Shelby. We pray for her personally life and that she stays close to God in her walk!
We pray for Jennifer's brother and his family. We have had our differences in the past but they are still family and we love them very much. We pray for forgiveness and healing in this relationship and hope that someday we can break bread together again.
Well, for those of you who know us, we have been struggling with our finances for years. Certain things happened to make them worse, and then we found ourselves "Humbled" by God. "Stuff" is not that important anymore...
Old medical bills, and previous expenditures have caught up with us and we are praying about what to do... We have found expenses exceeding income but are still resolved to continue our work for God... As always, prayers are welcomed for enlightenment...
On The Wings Of Doves remains intact - poised for growth with several "tentative" commitments... We are still looking for sources of operating income from God and His people.
See "OnTheWingsOfDoves.com"
Leap Of Faith Farms continues to grow slowly and there are several potential avenues for tremendous growth. (see "LeapOfFaithFarms.net)
For His Own has fed many families through the holidays, and has planted "The Safe House" - a church for "at-risk" kids. we are on "vacation" during the summer, but pray that we will be able to continue God's work with these kids.
Southland's Ironman Mentoring program is growing slowly. (I was recently asked to take over as coordinator of the program) Summer is a hard time to get a program like this running on a consistent basis, but hopefully the Mentors will be able to reach and teach the Mentees and grow them closer to God!
Ichthus just finished their 2007 concert. Jenn and I were privileged to work there this year. Tens of Thousands of people attended, praised and worshiped God... What a wonderful experience far anyone!
Habitat For Humanity continues to grow in Jessamine county. Brad and I have been proud to help in its growth. Exceeding the goals set forth for the ReStore by tremendous numbers. Having two builds scheduled for this year and 1 rehab... 2 partners are already selected and another should be selected before the end of this years projects. We are currently working on expanding the Restore from 7000 sq ft to either 12,000 sq ft or 19,000 sq ft.
Our friends Rhoda and Armstong Cheggah from Kenya continue to educate themselves and their children in God's word, continue to educate God's people throughout the US and continue to birth churches and pastors throughout Kenya.
Learning is a constant thing. Jennifer has undertaken a management position with the YMCA and I am contemplating additional coursework or even a Master's degree in Christian Counseling or Missions. Each day we learn more about God, more about the secular world, and more about how the two will collide.
This is a BIG one... GOD works in our lives every day! Sometimes we listen, sometimes we don't! Our goal is to learn to listen ALL THE TIME! We MUST put on the Armor of God everyday. We must learn to pray EVERYDAY about EVERYTHING!
We will constantly learn and will never know it all... sometimes it is a bit unsettling not to be able to reach the "conclusion" (at least on earth) . But we will eventually, with our belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior.
Summer Continues and I will try to keep up with this blog better...
If you can help let me know....
We appreciates all your prayers!
Ron & Jenn
Alot is going on...Health, Heat, Fun, Friends & Family, Finances, Missions, Learning, God...
This is June 27th and we have only been in "Summer" for 6 days now...
Wow, what a start...
Shelby's Insurance cancels on July1st, so we are scrambling to get her new insurance... Kentucky has been paying for all her insurance up to now, but has decided we do not qualify anymore, so we now have to pay for her insurance which makes an 80/20 policy for the 3 of us nearly $900 a month... WOW!
Our parents are all struggling... Jenn's dad has knee and heart problems, he mom has several problems we don't want to discuss including diverticulitis.
Ron's mom is having dental problems and is loosing her sight (in at least one eye). Ron's dad has spinal problems, heart, blood pressure and diabetes problems. (Surgery is on the near horizon)
We are very concerned about all of them and don't want anything to happen, but they all know the Lord and we know where we will meet again should anything happen.
We broke down and put a couple of window AC units in... It has been getting in the 90's with high humidity. Ron's work only has one room with AC, so it is starting out to be quite a hot summer... (Standing in the freezer department at Krogers is a huge treat)
Along with the heat, a small portable pool was a necessity... Shelby and Savanna (Our friend's daughter who is spending the summer with us) are LOVING it! Even when we first filled it with COLD water, they couldn't wait to get in - over & over again... (Jenn & I are still waiting for the water to warm a little)
Mindy & Scott brought Savanna for her yearly visit and she will spend a month or 2 with us... We wish Mindy & Scott could have stayed for a while, but Scott's work and Mindy's school required them to be back in Akron quickly.
Mike, Jean, Brian & Devon are still holding out in Panama... We pray for them all the time as they are going through "humbling" times. We all seem to be being "tested" lately and are definitely aware of Satan's presence in our everyday world. Hopefully we will soon be able to go forward with God's plan and work (see Missions)
Brad & Pat are going through quite a bit with personal issues and threats. We pray for their safety and for calmness in their lives - for God's grace to cover them and help them through their trials and tribulations.
Al Savage, our friend and landlord, continues to teach us humility, gardening, about life and about God. We pray for his continued teaching to everyone he touches and for his friendship.
Ernie Perry is teaching me how to pray... One of my deficits in my Spiritual Gifts... He can pray anytime, anywhere - even on the phone - for someone...
Many other friends and family have important things going on in their lives- we are concerned with each and every one and pray for them. We even pray for those who hurt us - we are ALL God's children.
Nick is a United States of America Marine and stationed in Iraq. We have been asked not to say anything further for security reasons. We do pray CONSTANTLY for his safety and the safety of all of our armed forces protecting us daily. It is a double edged sword....we are so proud, but we fear for his safety! Like the war or not... they are still our secular protectors. PLEASE pray for Nick and all of our soldiers!
Jake graduated High School and is preparing for college. He is working 3 jobs to try and pay for his education as we cannot help much with his schooling (see finances). He will go the Michigan State and gear towards Sports Medicine (at least for now) and prepare for work for God! Pray for Jake's finances and goals, and his walk with God. He is an awesome man of God, a growing Christian and a proud son...
Shelby is 6 going on 16 and has "graduated" Kindergarten. She can read , write and even multiply... WOW! She is having a blast going to YMCA camp with Jennifer and having Savanna with us for the summer.
Jennifer is working hard for the YMCA as as "Off_Site" Director for the Y-Care program. Trying hard to keep up with us is a full time job all in itself, and now she is working almost 2 full time jobs.
Jenn, Shelby, Savanna & I are headed to a family reunion this weekend and will see family who we mostly see only once a year. This is not right, but it is a fact in the secular world we live in. None of us make enough time for our families. I particularly pray for my Aunt Jean and Aunt Corsey - both who have lost their husbands (my uncles) in the last year or so. Both are not in the best of health and struggle with the challenges of age daily.
My dad's side of the family have become strangers to Jenn & Shelby as we have not taken the time to visit West Virginia... Again, we need to ALL work on staying closer to our families.
My sister Laura is wonderful - a good friend to Jennifer and a wonderful Aunt to Shelby. We pray for her personally life and that she stays close to God in her walk!
We pray for Jennifer's brother and his family. We have had our differences in the past but they are still family and we love them very much. We pray for forgiveness and healing in this relationship and hope that someday we can break bread together again.
Well, for those of you who know us, we have been struggling with our finances for years. Certain things happened to make them worse, and then we found ourselves "Humbled" by God. "Stuff" is not that important anymore...
Old medical bills, and previous expenditures have caught up with us and we are praying about what to do... We have found expenses exceeding income but are still resolved to continue our work for God... As always, prayers are welcomed for enlightenment...
On The Wings Of Doves remains intact - poised for growth with several "tentative" commitments... We are still looking for sources of operating income from God and His people.
See "OnTheWingsOfDoves.com"
Leap Of Faith Farms continues to grow slowly and there are several potential avenues for tremendous growth. (see "LeapOfFaithFarms.net)
For His Own has fed many families through the holidays, and has planted "The Safe House" - a church for "at-risk" kids. we are on "vacation" during the summer, but pray that we will be able to continue God's work with these kids.
Southland's Ironman Mentoring program is growing slowly. (I was recently asked to take over as coordinator of the program) Summer is a hard time to get a program like this running on a consistent basis, but hopefully the Mentors will be able to reach and teach the Mentees and grow them closer to God!
Ichthus just finished their 2007 concert. Jenn and I were privileged to work there this year. Tens of Thousands of people attended, praised and worshiped God... What a wonderful experience far anyone!
Habitat For Humanity continues to grow in Jessamine county. Brad and I have been proud to help in its growth. Exceeding the goals set forth for the ReStore by tremendous numbers. Having two builds scheduled for this year and 1 rehab... 2 partners are already selected and another should be selected before the end of this years projects. We are currently working on expanding the Restore from 7000 sq ft to either 12,000 sq ft or 19,000 sq ft.
Our friends Rhoda and Armstong Cheggah from Kenya continue to educate themselves and their children in God's word, continue to educate God's people throughout the US and continue to birth churches and pastors throughout Kenya.
Learning is a constant thing. Jennifer has undertaken a management position with the YMCA and I am contemplating additional coursework or even a Master's degree in Christian Counseling or Missions. Each day we learn more about God, more about the secular world, and more about how the two will collide.
This is a BIG one... GOD works in our lives every day! Sometimes we listen, sometimes we don't! Our goal is to learn to listen ALL THE TIME! We MUST put on the Armor of God everyday. We must learn to pray EVERYDAY about EVERYTHING!
We will constantly learn and will never know it all... sometimes it is a bit unsettling not to be able to reach the "conclusion" (at least on earth) . But we will eventually, with our belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior.
Summer Continues and I will try to keep up with this blog better...
If you can help let me know....
We appreciates all your prayers!
Ron & Jenn
Saturday, April 7, 2007
A House?
There is this piece of land down the road... 5 acres for $300,000 ... This huge 8,000 sq ft house could sit on the pretty piece of land overlooking the rolling hills and green grass... Marble floors in the entry, with a huge vaulted ceiling - a fancy dining rom, a huge greatroom with a glass fireplace & built in mahogany bookcases, a home theater room with a built in 103" flat screen TV and surround sound system... 6 huge bedrooms - each has its own bathroom - 3 have jacuzzi tubs, and the other 3 have shower massagers...
4 fireplaces throughout...
A rec room with a pool table and 3 pinball machines plus electronic darts... A den/office with double french doors to close off the rest of the house...
A kitchen with heated ceramic tile - a built in island that seats 8, sub zero refrigerator, Jenn-Aire gril/stove/oven combo - dishwasher - and on and on....
Outside: a built-in swimming pool with a waterfall and slide a 12 person jacuzzi... A built in bar-b-que grill area and wet bar- an outdoor "open air" fireplace... a tennis court on the back side...
a 4 car garage with extra workshop area...
Want it???
Its a HOUSE! ... NOT a HOME!
What is a home?
First... a home starts with a family...the people in it...
If you have a roof over your head (whether it leaks or not) you are a minority in the world...
Beds? A very lucky luxury... Running water? Plumbing? Wow....
Electricity? wow! Heat? Air Conditioning? Only the RICH people of the world have such things...
A home is a gathering of people who care for each other, who share their lives together, who love each other and help each other through daily chores... They are there to help with trials and tribulations....
Love and Life are MUCH more valuable than the big HOUSE... Love and Life with your family is a HOME!
As For Me and My Home, We Will Serve The Lord!
4 fireplaces throughout...
A rec room with a pool table and 3 pinball machines plus electronic darts... A den/office with double french doors to close off the rest of the house...
A kitchen with heated ceramic tile - a built in island that seats 8, sub zero refrigerator, Jenn-Aire gril/stove/oven combo - dishwasher - and on and on....
Outside: a built-in swimming pool with a waterfall and slide a 12 person jacuzzi... A built in bar-b-que grill area and wet bar- an outdoor "open air" fireplace... a tennis court on the back side...
a 4 car garage with extra workshop area...
Want it???
Its a HOUSE! ... NOT a HOME!
What is a home?
First... a home starts with a family...the people in it...
If you have a roof over your head (whether it leaks or not) you are a minority in the world...
Beds? A very lucky luxury... Running water? Plumbing? Wow....
Electricity? wow! Heat? Air Conditioning? Only the RICH people of the world have such things...
A home is a gathering of people who care for each other, who share their lives together, who love each other and help each other through daily chores... They are there to help with trials and tribulations....
Love and Life are MUCH more valuable than the big HOUSE... Love and Life with your family is a HOME!
As For Me and My Home, We Will Serve The Lord!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I heard about a person who was in Atlanta , Georgia attending a conference. While they were in the airport, returning home, they heard several people behind them beginning to clap and cheer. This person immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest act's of patriotism they had ever seen.
Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camo's. As they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly on their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When they saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for it hit this person......
Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camo's. As they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly on their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When they saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for it hit this person......
"I'm not alone. I'm not the only red-blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families."
Of course they immediately stopped and began clapping for these young, unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal.
Just when they thought they could not be more proud of our country or of our service men and women a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said "Hi." The little girl then asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her. The young soldier, who didn't look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try; and what did she want to give to her daddy. Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek.
The mother of the little girl, who said her daughter's name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Marine and had been in Iraq for 11 months now As the mom was explaining how much her daughter, Courtney, missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military-looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it. After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her. "I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you." Then he hugged this little girl that he had just met, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying, "Your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything, and he is coming home soon." The mom at this point was crying almost uncontrollably, and, as the young soldier stood to his feet, he saluted Courtney and her mom. This person was standing no more than six feet away when this entire event unfolded. As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause. As they stood there applauding they looked around. There were very few dry eyes, including their own. That young soldier, in one last act of selflessness, turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek.
We need to remember every day all of our soldiers and their families, and thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it's good to be an American.
RED FRIDAYS.......Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing RED every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called "the silent majority." We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love of GOD and COUNTRY and HOME in record-breaking numbers.
We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Americans like you, me and all our friends simply want to recognize that the vast majority of Americans support our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect STARTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16th AND CONTINUES EVERY FRIDAY until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that: EVERY RED-BLOODED AMERICAN SUPPORTS OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN THE MILITARY and will wear red.
By word of mouth, in the press, on TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a SEA OF RED , much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this email with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family, it will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent majority" is on their side more than ever.....certainly more than the media lets on.
The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers.
Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.
If this doesn't get your attention, nothing will!
Just when they thought they could not be more proud of our country or of our service men and women a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said "Hi." The little girl then asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her. The young soldier, who didn't look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try; and what did she want to give to her daddy. Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek.
The mother of the little girl, who said her daughter's name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Marine and had been in Iraq for 11 months now As the mom was explaining how much her daughter, Courtney, missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military-looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it. After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her. "I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you." Then he hugged this little girl that he had just met, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying, "Your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything, and he is coming home soon." The mom at this point was crying almost uncontrollably, and, as the young soldier stood to his feet, he saluted Courtney and her mom. This person was standing no more than six feet away when this entire event unfolded. As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause. As they stood there applauding they looked around. There were very few dry eyes, including their own. That young soldier, in one last act of selflessness, turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek.
We need to remember every day all of our soldiers and their families, and thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it's good to be an American.
RED FRIDAYS.......Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing RED every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called "the silent majority." We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love of GOD and COUNTRY and HOME in record-breaking numbers.
We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Americans like you, me and all our friends simply want to recognize that the vast majority of Americans support our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect STARTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16th AND CONTINUES EVERY FRIDAY until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that: EVERY RED-BLOODED AMERICAN SUPPORTS OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN THE MILITARY and will wear red.
By word of mouth, in the press, on TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a SEA OF RED , much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this email with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family, it will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent majority" is on their side more than ever.....certainly more than the media lets on.
The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers.
Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.
If this doesn't get your attention, nothing will!
As a company, Southwest Airlines is going to support RED FRIDAYS.......................
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Our son has deployed...
For those of you who do not know that term, he is a United States Marine, and has left for Iraq...
Nick is a Lance Corporal and his mom and I are VERY proud of him... Because of security issues, we have been asked not to publish deployment dates, deployment locations, etc. on the Internet...
As you can ask the relatives of ANY of our brave members of the Armed Forces, it is a "Double Edged Sword". Of course we are proud, but at the same time we worry about their safety, and pray daily for their safe return.
God tells ALL of us to put on our armor daily - (Ephesians 6: 10-17)
"...be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. "
Each of our brave men and women put on physical armor when they go to war - but they should also put on the Armor of God to protect them from the ULTIMATE enemy, as should we all! In these days of international conflict, moral decay, and national dis-unity, we all need protection and help from God!
From the day we are born, we are "Deployed" into a world of sin and battle. Just as we worry about our Armed Forces fighting the "Enemy", we should also worry about the rest of the world who is in CONSTANT battle with "The Enemy".
Please pray for our son Nick, each of the Brave Marines that are fighting for our freedom, and each member of our Armed Forces that help to physically protect us EACH DAY from those who want to hurt us. Pray constantly for protection from "The Enemy" who wants to hurt us every day and put on your "Armor of God" each and every day!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Who Am I?
Ron Bishoff is a guy who has seen and done lots of things in his life!
I have been a bad guy, I have been a good guy...
I have had money, I have been poor...
I have been alone, I have been married...
I have been without God... I have been saved!
To go through all the phases of my life would probably take up more time than anyone would ever want to spend, but there are very few things I cannot relate to - and if it had not been for God and my family, I am sure I would not be where I am today, and it is very possible that I would not be here on earth and probably spending the rest of eternity on Hell...
Sounds a little drastic and dramatic? Well, it is... and it is true...
Fast forward to today...
I am married to a wonderful woman who puts up with my crap day in and day out - Jennifer...
I have 2 wonderful sons (actually my step-sons - but to me they are no different than if they were my "Bio" sons) - Nick and Jake
I have a beautiful daughter- who I love and adore more than life itself - Shelby
I have wonderful parents who live in Tennessee, but are preparing to move back to Ohio to live out their retirement years ( Personally, I would have moved farther south - AWAY from the cold and snow)
I have an absolutely awsome sister - who I took for granted for many years - but I am so glad we have become close again - and she is a tremendous Aunt to Shelby and wonderful friend to Jennifer!
Jennifer, Shelby and I live in Kentucky and are preparing for Mission Work in Central America with an organization called "On The Wings Of Doves" - (The Story of On The Wings Of Doves" is for another day)
Nick is a Marine based at Camp Lejeune, NC and set to deploy to Iraq in March. This is a "Double Edged Sword" as we are very proud of him, but yet we do not want to see our son in harm's way.
Jake is preparing for college and his future... He is contemplating several colleges, but has yet to decide... He has also become a awsome "Man Of God" and we could not be more proud of him!
Shelby is in Kindergarten and learning faster than we could ever have imagined... She has been blessed with beauty and brains, and will probably end up being our translator in Central America...:)
Jennifer is a absolutely wonderful human being... She is a wonderful wife and awsome mother. She cares so much for not only for her own kids, but for all kids... She is a teacher by trade, a gymnastics guru, and a brilliant "Woman of God". Plus ...she TRIES to keep me in line which is a totally hard job!
We all belong to the family of God - We were all Baptised as a family (and Shelby was "Dedicated") November 13, 2003 by my dear and long time friend Brad Allred... (Brad swore to me along time ago he would never be a pastor, but he is now ordained and living a life for God. He and his wife Pat are partnering with us in "On The Wings Of Doves" - But more on them at another time)
We have attended and been part Cedar Creek Church in Ohio and now attend and take an active part in Southland Christian church in Kentucky.
Over the past 10 years, God has brought us all together... brought us back to Him... brought us wonderful friends... Humbled us... Humbled us... Humbled us... performed miracles in our lives... taught us how to live for Him... and is always there when we need Him! He is now preparing us for the next leg of our journey - Missions Work!
If you would have asked anyone 20 years ago if I would EVER have been in this kind of life, they would have totally laughed! (I probably would have too) But I cannot express the happiness, the peace, the fulfillment and the love I have inside - which I had never felt before... Its AMAZING!
As this blog continues, you will probably hear much more about my family, my life, my friends, "On The Wings Of Doves", "The Panama Project", and get a better feel for who I am, and who God is!
You could also catch up on the "Going On's" of On The Wings Of Doves at that blog site -
I have been a bad guy, I have been a good guy...
I have had money, I have been poor...
I have been alone, I have been married...
I have been without God... I have been saved!
To go through all the phases of my life would probably take up more time than anyone would ever want to spend, but there are very few things I cannot relate to - and if it had not been for God and my family, I am sure I would not be where I am today, and it is very possible that I would not be here on earth and probably spending the rest of eternity on Hell...
Sounds a little drastic and dramatic? Well, it is... and it is true...
Fast forward to today...
I am married to a wonderful woman who puts up with my crap day in and day out - Jennifer...
I have 2 wonderful sons (actually my step-sons - but to me they are no different than if they were my "Bio" sons) - Nick and Jake
I have a beautiful daughter- who I love and adore more than life itself - Shelby
I have wonderful parents who live in Tennessee, but are preparing to move back to Ohio to live out their retirement years ( Personally, I would have moved farther south - AWAY from the cold and snow)
I have an absolutely awsome sister - who I took for granted for many years - but I am so glad we have become close again - and she is a tremendous Aunt to Shelby and wonderful friend to Jennifer!
Jennifer, Shelby and I live in Kentucky and are preparing for Mission Work in Central America with an organization called "On The Wings Of Doves" - (The Story of On The Wings Of Doves" is for another day)
Nick is a Marine based at Camp Lejeune, NC and set to deploy to Iraq in March. This is a "Double Edged Sword" as we are very proud of him, but yet we do not want to see our son in harm's way.
Jake is preparing for college and his future... He is contemplating several colleges, but has yet to decide... He has also become a awsome "Man Of God" and we could not be more proud of him!
Shelby is in Kindergarten and learning faster than we could ever have imagined... She has been blessed with beauty and brains, and will probably end up being our translator in Central America...:)
Jennifer is a absolutely wonderful human being... She is a wonderful wife and awsome mother. She cares so much for not only for her own kids, but for all kids... She is a teacher by trade, a gymnastics guru, and a brilliant "Woman of God". Plus ...she TRIES to keep me in line which is a totally hard job!
We all belong to the family of God - We were all Baptised as a family (and Shelby was "Dedicated") November 13, 2003 by my dear and long time friend Brad Allred... (Brad swore to me along time ago he would never be a pastor, but he is now ordained and living a life for God. He and his wife Pat are partnering with us in "On The Wings Of Doves" - But more on them at another time)
We have attended and been part Cedar Creek Church in Ohio and now attend and take an active part in Southland Christian church in Kentucky.
Over the past 10 years, God has brought us all together... brought us back to Him... brought us wonderful friends... Humbled us... Humbled us... Humbled us... performed miracles in our lives... taught us how to live for Him... and is always there when we need Him! He is now preparing us for the next leg of our journey - Missions Work!
If you would have asked anyone 20 years ago if I would EVER have been in this kind of life, they would have totally laughed! (I probably would have too) But I cannot express the happiness, the peace, the fulfillment and the love I have inside - which I had never felt before... Its AMAZING!
As this blog continues, you will probably hear much more about my family, my life, my friends, "On The Wings Of Doves", "The Panama Project", and get a better feel for who I am, and who God is!
You could also catch up on the "Going On's" of On The Wings Of Doves at that blog site -
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