Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Developing A Child's Self Esteem - Part 4

This Series Came From Dr. Dallas Lummis of Chiro One Wellness Center
As Written By Jim Rohn
While This Series was Presented over two days, it will be broken down into mutiple blog sections for ease of reading!
Thanks For Your Interest In Helping Our Kids!
Ron Bishoff

Developing a Child's Self-Esteem
Blog Part Four

Leg #4: A Sense of Control and Competence

     Early in my career in motivational psychology, I thought the chair of self-esteem balanced firmly on those three legs - A Sense of Belonging, A Sense of Individual Identity and A Sense of Worthiness - especially since they involved intrinsic core values.  It took much time and research to realize that a fourth leg - one of the most important - was missing.

     There are many reasons why few Americans currently in high school and college believe they were born to win.  The supportive extended family - in many cases, even the nuclear family - is disappearing.  Roll Models are increasingly unhealthy.  The commercial media bombards young senses ever more insistently with crime, violence, hedonism and other unhealthy forms of escape.  But whatever the explanation, constructive citizens and leaders in society cannot emerge and develop without the creative imagination that serves them like fuel - which is why the apprehension, frustration and hesitation I see and hear in the younger generation is cause for concern.  At the moment, the future they imagine will help drive neither happiness nor success.

The chair's fourth leg is self-efficacy, a functional belief in your ability to control what happens to you in a changing, uncertain world.  A sense of worthiness may give you the emotional means to venture, but you need self-efficacy, the sense of competence and control, to believe you can succeed.  That's why it is so important to assign responsibility for small tasks to your children as early as possible so they can learn that their choices and efforts result in consequences and successes.  The more success they experience, the stronger their confidence grows - and the more responsibility they want to assume.

Give them specific household chores and duties they can accomplish and be proud of.  Teach them that their problems and setbacks are just temporary inconveniences and learning experiences.  Emphasize it constantly: SETBACKS ARE NOT FAILURES.

Armed with a view of failure as a learning experience, children can develop an early eagerness for new challenges and will be less afraid to try new skills.  Although they appreciate compliments, they benefit most from their own belief that they are making a valuable contribution to life, according to their own internal standards.

In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, each new, young member of the workforce simply must believe that he or she is a team leader, a self-empowered, quality individual who expresses that quality in excellent production and service.  With increasing pressures on profit and the need to do more with fewer workers because of e-commerce and changing technology, it is essential that parents and business leaders help raise the value of thier children's and employye' stock in themselves.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Developing A Child's Self Esteem - Part 3

This Series Came From Dr. Dallas Lummis of Chiro One Wellness Center
As Written By Jim Rohn

While This Series was Presented over two days, it will be broken down into mutiple blog sections for ease of reading!
Thanks For Your Interest In Helping Our Kids!
Ron Bishoff

Developing a Child's Self-Esteem

Blog Part Three

Leg #3: A Sense of Worthiness

This third leg of self-esteem is a sense of worthiness, the feeling that I'm glad I'm me, with my genes and background, my body, my unique thoughts.  Without our own approval, we have little to offer.  If we don't feel worth loving, it's hard to believe that others love us; instead, we tend to see others as appraisers or judges of our value.

Show your children unconditional love.  Carefully separate the doer from the deed, and the performer from the performance.  The message: "I love you no matter what happens, and I'm always there for you" is one of the most important concepts in building a feeling of worthiness or intrinsic value in children.  After every reprimand, let them know you love them.  Before they go to sleep at night, give them the reassurance that, regardless of what happened that day, you love them unconditionally.

A healthy sense of belonging, identity and worthiness can only be rooted in intrinsic core values as opposed to outer, often material, motivation.  Without them, we depend on others constantly to fill our leaking reserves of self-esteem - but also we tend to suspect others of ulterior motives.  Unable to accept or reject others' opinions for what they're worth, we are defensive about criticism and paranoid about praise - and no amount of praise can replace the missing qualities.  A healthy senes of belonging, identity and worthiness is also essential to belief in your dreams.  It is most essential during difficult times, when you have only a dream to hang on to.