The Dancing Chicken and the Frog... Both reflect the same thing, but relate to our world and our attitudes...
The Dancing Chicken:
A chicken farmer needed to make extra money, so her pondered how to do so... He noticed that when it got hot his chickens hopped around alot on the ground... So he built a stage and under it he put a hot plate (a flat surface heating element)
He put the chicken on the heated hotplate and the chicken jumped right off... He tried again and again and no matter what he did the chicken jumped off...
So one day when he was trying again, he forgot to turn the heat on. When he placed the chicken on the hot plate it just stood there. When he realized the heat was not on, he turned the switch and the hot plate began to heat. As it did the chicken began to hop and move a little and then slowly as the plate heated, the chicken began to dance...
The Frog in Water:
The old lady was preparing to make "Frog Stew" one day and got a huge pot of water boiling. She had several frogs ready in a regular bucket of water, to make the stew. Once the stew water was boiling, she took the first frog and put him in...IMMEDIATELY the frog squirmed and jumped out of the pot, and hopped away. She continued to try other frogs, but they all got out of the boiling water, and hopped away to safety.
There was only one frog left and she was about to give up. She decided to put the remaining frog, still in the cold water, on the stove. Well the frog seemed quite content swimming in the water, even though it was getting hotter and hotter. Soon the water began to boil but the frog never jumped out... Soon she had her frog stew...
What does all this mean?:
We humans realize IMMEDIATE danger. We know accidents, we know fires, we know explosions, etc. We realize their danger because they are immediate. What we don't realize is the danger of the slowly heating hotplate or the slowly boiling water...
The world around us IS that hotplate or bucket of water. We become immune to the slow heating of the hotplace or the slowly increasing temperature of the water. Each day, each week, each month and each year - the plate gets hotter, the water temperature get more intense, but we do not pay attention.
Sooner or later we will end up as the Chicken or the Frog. We will either be burned or scalded because of our ignorance to our surroundings.
There are signs all around us that we are in danger, however many of us do not pay attention. We ignore the signs of what is going on. We think because we have been comfortable in our nice homes, with food on our table, and a part of the world where we have had wonderful seasons and "regular" weather, that we have nothing to worry about.
WRONG- Watch the spread of events that is occuring throughout the World and then look at what is happening right here in the United States- We are slowly boiling, yet we continue not to pay attention to our situation.
God tells us of a time where there are increasing events throughout the world, just as we are experiencing. Yet we pay no attention. Over the last several centuries, earthquakes are becoming increasingly strong, killing at first tens, the hundreds, the thousands, then tens of thousands of people... We feel sorry for THOSE people...
Each year, weather becomes different... First a couple of weeks of "different" weather, the huges changes in weather - Temperature changes, snow patterns, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, etc. - Yet we do not pay attention...
It's the slowly boiling water- as things heat up little by little we do not pay attention- however, just like the frog... we will eventually reach that boiling point and will not survive... We are not taking care of our world, our economy, our morals,our spiritual lives.
We all have the ability to do so, if we chose; But we do not pay attention - we continue to go about our lives as if nothing is going on, as if the water is not getting hotter...
We also, all have access to the history lessons and the currents events and the future - all in one place... All we have to do is read it, believe it and react to it...
Pick up a copy of the Book at any BookStore or your closest Church...
It's Called THE BIBLE...
Pay Attention to our world!
Pay attention to God!