Vote For the RIGHT Candidate
OUR Country, OUR State, OUR County and OUR Communities are in dire need of the “Proper” Leadership. We must overcome the “Difficult Situations” WE have gotten ourselves into over the last couple of decades. It has been a slow decline of the “American Way”, and will not be an overnight fix – but it must be fixed!
We need to examine each candidate for each office VERY carefully. It doesn’t matter if the candidate that has the best qualifications, the best values and the ability to help US out of this decline, is a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent or a Tea Party candidate. The days of voting for someone just because they belong to the political party in which we were raised are over.
Who will bring the best ideas to help our Country, State, County and Community get through these “trying times”? Who will help “US” regain our economy, our jobs, our drug and crime free neighborhoods and our trust in our political system?
I know I am tired of all the negative campaigning, but we must look past that to find the TRUE ideas of the candidate! We cannot afford another 4 years of mediocre politicians out for their own gain. They MUST be looking out for OUR gain! They work for US, the American People!
Please know who you are voting for before you step into the voting booths on Tuesday no matter what “party” they belong to. Our lives depend on it.
Ron Bishoff
Jessamine County Resident