Friday, March 18, 2011

Exercising freedom is easy, preserving freedom is hard

Exercising freedom is easy, preserving freedom is hard
Brian Goettl
Reprint From:
The Conservative Edge

Jan 7, 2011 Bgoettl Politics When my kids were raving about the new cell phone technology that will allow video chatting, their enthusiasm waned and they rolled their eyes when I commented about how the technology would allow the government to access their privacy. A friend of mine was unmoved when I told him that Google read his personal e-mail, and for all he knew, Google was controlled by the federal government. “They probably already have all my personal information anyhow” he said with a shrug.
Now, we have a Kentucky Senate President who caually gives away the very freedom that our fouding fathers pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to preserve for us and our posterity, for political expediency in an election year. The Leader of the Kentucky House of Representatives has proposed that government should be allowed to enter your vehicle and exam your use of a legal product in the presence of your own children. The appalling lack of respect for the foundational principles of our Republic is shocking from these leaders. They look first to polling numbers instead of the constitutions they swore to uphold. Neither one is qualified to hold an elective position in a republic and are better suited for tyranny and despotism.
For the rest of us though, we have to regain our bearings or lose all of our freedoms. Because, if Greg Stumbo can tell you what you can do in your vehicle with a legal product with your own children, then he can tell you what you can do in your own bedroom with your own mate.
We are so far down the road to tyranny though, we may not be able to find our way back. We have been dominated for decades by nanny staters who believe that they know better than us, how to run our lives. And, for too many citizens, they have become accustomed to government running their lives and telling them what to do.
Exercising freedom is easy, while you still have it. Preserving freedom is hard work. It means that you may have to skip eating at Joe’s restaurant if he allows smoking and you don’t like second hand smoke. You may not be able to keep your job at Jake’s bowling alley if he allows smoking and you have asthma. You don’t have a right to eat wherever you please, and make the owner comply with your wishes, and you don’t have the right to a paycheck from someone else.
You have to take responsibility for your own life, and make accomodations for your fellow citizens and their rights too. From the tents at Valley Forge to the Sands of Iwo Jima, Americans have given the full measure of their devotion to this country to preserve freedom for all of us. It would be nice if we took time from our busy schedule of texting, chatting, and facebooking to remember this.

We are frogs in a giant pot of water... If the water was hot when we got in, we would have jumped out. The heat however, is being turned up little by little, and as we get "used to" the growing temperature, it will soon get so hot that we will "Cook" ourselves.
This issue is another way of letting our officials control our lives, little by little... The fact that a friend of Mr. Goettl's said “They probably already have all my personal information anyhow” is an example of us "getting used to" the increase in the temperature of the water. Before you know it, the water will be so hot, we will not be able to jump out, and we will be "cooked".
Jump out now.

Do what is right, not what is popular.

Do what GOD wants us to do!!!

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