The "Encore Effect"
Part Two
Part Two
This Series Came From Dr. Dallas Lummis of Chiro One Wellness Center
As Written By Mark Sanborn
As Written By Mark Sanborn
How to Achieve Remarkable Performance in Anything You Do"
Mark Sanborn makes audiences spring to their feet with his rousing speeches. He's also the best-selling author of The Fred Factor and his latest, The Encore Effect. Continuing from yesterday we learned that remarkable performance isn't just what we do; it's also about how we do it. Passion is the fuel that lets us "set ourselves on fire". Remember, no one will be more passionate about your performance than you are yourself. The good news is passion can be created and stoked. It's up to you to do so. Here are Mark's insights of a passionate performer.
1- Passionate People Know for Whom They are Performing:
Every performance has an audience. Passionate people know their audience inside and out. They know exactly who will invite them back for a repeat performance. founder and CEO Jeff Bezos has said "Don't fear your competitor - they'll never send you money. Fear your customer." Write down what you know about the main clients, customers or VIPs in your life. You can perform remarkably well for them only if you know what they consider remarkable to be.
2- Passionate People Know How to Perform Remarkably:
Passionate people innovate, create and change the way business is done. They are willing to break the rules. But to do that, they first have to know what the rules are. What can you do differently in your performance in the next 60 days? Try to become known as the most innovative person in your group.
3- Passionate People Know Wht They Perform:
We all have a myriad of motives for doing the things we do: Money, Pride, Prestige, Acclaim, Security, Fear... Passionate people are driven by more powerful motives: Their Sense of Self-Worth, Self-Satisfaction and Self-Fulfillment. As they begin meeting their personal expectations, they also meet the expectations of others. Does someone else's approval mean more to you than your own? How would your passion increase if you were driven by self-worth or self-approval?
4- Passionate People Know What Their Performance Needs to Look Like:
A result that is off by an inch today will be off by a mile in the future. Passionate people understand their goals and objectives - and focus on meeting them. Many undesired results are the consequence of lack of focus. What could you do to be a more supportive parent, spouse or friend? How much more effective would you be if you knew what your family and friends need from you? You can go beyond satisfying your audience only when you know what they want.
Reprinted from "The Encore Effect: How to Achieve Remarkable Performance in Anything You Do"
Copyright (c) 2008 by Mark Sanborn
Published by Broadway Business, an inprint of the Crown Publishing Group,
A division of Random House, Inc.
1 comment:
Hi Ron...thanks for the nice post. I appreciate it! Best always, Mark
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