Monday, October 5, 2009

Old Friends Are Hard to Come By

Remember that friend you had in high school... in a previous summer the home you grew up in...through scouts, Rotary, clubs or other organizations?

Today's world of technology has made it easier to keep in touch with those people... We have all remembered back and wondered what "John Doe" was up to these days...

Through websites like, facebook, my space, etc.  the world has come closer again...  No not ALL of our friends are technology savy, especially when you are talking baby-boomers, but many are. 

I have found several friends, many acquaintances, and even some that I remember but did not consider either - just by visiting a few of these websites...  I have written to many - most return my e-mails, some do not... I have tracked down folks thoughout the United States and even some overseas...

It is interesting to find out how lives have changed over the years - some for the better, some not so...

I have been able to keep in touch with a dear friend in California who befriended me when I was going through a "rough patch" in my life and has kept in touch with me even though we knew each other over 20 years ago.  I value this friendship greatly and will be held closely for the rest of my life.

Yes, these "Technology Buddies" bring back memories, but they also remind us of where we are now.  Just as in the old Christmas Tale "It's a Wonderful Life" - we all touch people, and they all touch us in some way...None of us would be EXACTLY who we are today without the Friends, Acquaitances or Others that touch our lives daily - By touching these lives again, we may be helping each other build a better life, we remember the good things in life when we need a "boost" or we just basically rekinding old friendships.

Pick up the phone, write a letter, or become a "technology buddy" with an old friend - Touch a life in a good way!

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